Christmas Poem & Testimony

By Sonia.
I have always believed in Jesus, always believed the Bible stories were true and had attended Church on occasion. I was “a believer” and would have said I was a Christian, but I wasn’t! I didn’t know that God had a specific plan for my life and that when Jesus died on the cross it was for MY sin. I didn’t know that I needed to confess my sin and accept that Jesus died on the cross for ME; then I could have a personal relationship with God. However, on the 31st of January 1986, I asked God to forgive me, to change me, and He did. This poem describes that following Christmas:
This year is my first Christmas, since I was born again.
My first year as a Christian, a servant of all men.
I’ve always known of Jesus, of Joseph and of Mary,
I’ve always had a Christmas tree with tinsel and a fairy.
I’ve always put the trimmings up and doesn’t it look grand?
with streamers and the flashing lights, it’s just like fairy land.
And all the extra shopping, the turkey and the toys,
and choosing Christmas presents for excited girls and boys.
It’s always been a busy time, with no time to be bored, 
and every now and then, I would remember our Lord.
Oh I knew all about the angels and about the three wise kings,
I knew about the stable and the frankincense, and things.
I knew that Jesus loves us and that his life was good,
and I used to say my prayers to him, sometimes, when I could.
I’ve always had a Bible, though it was never read,
just something everyone should have, in the drawer near their bed.
Now this year things are different, because inside I know,
the real meaning of Christmas and that birthday long ago.
It all happened quite suddenly, you could say “I saw the light”.
And my life has never been the same since I said my prayers that night. 
I felt a different person from very deep within,
I knew I had met Jesus and been forgiven of my sin. 
My heart was full to bursting with all his joy and love,
and I felt an overwhelming peace and thanked the Lord above.
I couldn’t wait to tell my friends, though they all thought I’d gone barmy,
when I told them I’d been born again and joined the Sally Army!
Oh yes, and there is something else,
the Bible near my bed,
well I bought myself a new one and now every day it’s read.
This all began some time ago,
Since then I’ve learned a lot.
I’ve made mistakes and done things wrong,
but it hasn’t been forgot.
I know that God is with me
and when things have gone wrong,
it’s all not lost but helped me and made my spirit strong.
Sometimes when I am lonely, confused and feeling low,
I talk to Jesus in my prayers,
My friend is there, I know.
So, I would like to ask each one of you,
Is Jesus real to you?
Invite him now into your life and see what he will do.
If you want a special Christmas, then your Saviour you can meet.
If he isn’t in your heart yet,
then come to the mercy seat.
Sonia Holden
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay