
Kaffaljidhma, sometimes called Gamma Ceti, is in the constellation of Cetus, the sea monster, which is hard to spot from light-polluted skies. It is actually a triple star system, made up of Gamma Ceti A, B and C. Its Arabic name means ‘the hand cut short’, which is peculiar.

I marvel that many Arabs in their religious devotion cannot see the triune God of the Bible. Dismissing such teaching as an aberration or corruption, they deny God as Father, demote God the Son and are baffled by God the Holy Spirit. God is one, but three persons. To believe otherwise is worse than cutting short one’s hand. The God of mathematics is no more subject to its rules than He is required to obey the laws of gravity or motion. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the One, great Triune God, though naked eyes fail to comprehend this glorious, supernaturally revealed truth.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9

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