Northern Men’s Convention 2018

Despite, or perhaps because of Tim Farron’s sulky absence from the Convention, it was a success. Holy Trinity Church at Platt was a great venue, even if getting there involved navigating the labyrinthine Mancunian road system.

Men’s meetings do sometimes risk being a bit ‘blokey’ with essential references to rugby league and ‘finishing in time for the football’ etc. These were kept to a minimum and the obligatory cheering when a home town was mentioned was also not over-done. I did wonder if women’s conventions feel the need to provide their attendees the opportunity to swoon or weep.

Rupert Bentley-Taylor, the main speaker, at some point headed up the FIEC and had all the charm and articulation of a classic British actor. He preached thrice, showing how Noah, Micaiah and Paul all made a stand for Christ during times when it was unpopular and dangerous to do so. Whereas others capitulate to cultural norms and fashion gods in the latest styles, so we Christ-followers will increasingly stick out like sore thumbs in this warped and selfish world.

The mass of 500 bases and baritones provided a thunderous melody to the great songs that were chosen. 10ofthose appeared to double their annual profits judging by the volume of books sold and the number of strained carrier bags being paraded around afterwards.

Ten pounds well spent. Roll on the 2019 Convention.