Peace & Safety

Wythenshawe Friends’ Meeting House is built in the domestic revival style, something akin to a Swiss chalet. Designed by architect Hubert Castle in 1939, its mansard roof and rosemary clay tiles speak of happier, untroubled times. Yet it was constructed while harsh voices were yelling into European microphones, and arms factories the world over were ramping up production. Though the Quakers within might very much despise violence, and their meeting house’s design might articulate domestic bliss and Alpine neutrality, the war was coming regardless. About the Day of the Lord, Paul tells the Thessalonians 1:5:3:

For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labour pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.

There is much talk of peace, harmony and justice, but none will ever be achieved while unrepentant, God-hating humans run the show. As we build our institutions, topple our statues and daub rainbows over every conceivable symbol, heaven prepares to invade, conquer and destroy our wicked societies.