Revenge for Wetheral Priory

This is the gateway of Wetherall Priory in Cumberland. In 1307, the Prince of Wales was staying here, in connection to the interminable wars between England and Scotland. Some minor Scottish lord called Dungal MacDowil brought here the brothers of Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, as prisoners, along with the heads of certain Irishmen whom he had killed. The English prince duly rewarded him with 50 marks (a mark was worth 13 shillings and 4 pence, or two thirds of a pound) and arranged for the royal brothers to be hanged at Carlisle.

Robert the Bruce duly attacked MacDowil when he returned to Scotland, forcing him to flee south of the border for protection. Bruce took further vengeance on the Prince, when, as King of England, he was defeated and humiliated at Bannockburn and elsewhere. Back in 1307, Prince Edward and Dungal the laird seemed strong, but vengeance was on their heels. For receiving so horrid a gift through the priory’s gatehouse both men would pay heavy prices. Now, even the priory is in ruins, its gatehouse through which those prisoners were dragged and severed heads carried, the only remaining section. 

Hatred stirs up strife,
But love covers all sins. Proverbs 10:12